Our Team

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We invite you to come and meet our team and have a consultation with one of our expert doctors.


“Our ethos is to combine the best of conventional and complementary medicine by standing on the shoulders of traditional medical practices and embracing new frontiers in medical science.”

- Dr James Laporta

Malachite Centre is an international innovative leader in unlocking human potential through the optimization of the human condition in all of its aspects.

Dr James Laporta

James Laporta

Integrative Medical Practitioner

Dr Laporta integrates Western medical science with natural and complementary medicines. His passions extend from research, lecturing into exploring comprehensive and evidence-based protocol for restoring and optimising health. His aim is to go beyond just treating disease, but rather looking at the underlying elements of health and psychological well-being.

Dr Derek Johnson

Derek Johnson

Intergrative Natural Medical Practitioner

With 36 years’ professional experience and a lifetime of studying how to initiate healing using natural medicine, Dr Derek uses sclerology, iridology, live blood analysis as well as pulse and tongue diagnosis to search and triple validate the cause of symptoms. Dr Derek includes nutritional and emotional advice, both of which are from recognised qualifications, in his consultations.